
Access a Value


The MongoDB Stitch SDK is deprecated. For guidance on migrating to MongoDB Realm, please see Migrate Your App from Stitch to Realm.


You can reference a Value from a service rule expression or a Function.


Reference a Value in a JSON Expression

You can access a Value’s stored data from a JSON expression using the %%values expansion.

"%%values.<Value Name>"


The following JSON expression evaluates to true when the active user’s id is included in the plain text array Value adminUsers:

{ "": { "%in": "%%values.adminUsers" } }

Reference a Value in a Function

You can access a Value’s stored data from a Function using the context.values module.

context.values.get("<Value Name>")


The following Function returns true when the active user’s id is included in the plain text array Value adminUsers:

exports = function() {
    const adminUsers = context.values.get("adminUsers");
    const isAdminUser = adminUsers.indexOf( > 0;
    return isAdminUser;