
GitHub Snippets


The MongoDB Stitch SDK is deprecated. For guidance on migrating to MongoDB Realm, please see Migrate Your App from Stitch to Realm.

The code snippets on this page cover demonstrate how you can respond to events in a GitHub repository through the GitHub Service. All of the snippets require a GitHub Service interface with rules that allow the service actions used in the snippet.

If your app does not have a GitHub Service interface, create one before using these snippets.

Log All Commits In MongoDB

This GitHub incoming webhook function records all commits pushed to a repo in MongoDB based on a PushEvent payload from GitHub.

exports = async function(pushEvent) {
  // Parse the list of commits from the PushEvent payload.
  // Also grab the user that pushed the commits and the repo information.
  const { commits, pusher, repository } = pushEvent;

  // Create a new array of log documents, one for each commit
  const commitLogs = => {
    return {
      commit: commit,
      pushed_by: pusher,
      repo: {
        url: repository.url

  // Get a client for the `GitHubRepo.logs` collection in MongoDB
  const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
  const logs = mongodb.db("GitHubRepo").collection("commit-logs");

  // Insert the log documents in MongoDB
  try {
    const insertResult = await logs.insertMany(commitLogs)
  } catch(err) {

Automatically Comment On New Pull Requests

This GitHub incoming webhook function adds a comment to new pull requests that thanks users for submitting. The webhook accepts a PullRequestEvent payload from GitHub and uses an HTTP service client to create a comment through the GitHub API.

exports = async function(pullRequest) {
  // Get information about the PR from the PullRequestEvent
  const { action, repository, pull_request: pr } = pullRequest;

  // Only run if this is a new PR
  if (action !== "opened") { return }

  // Construct the GitHub API URL for this PR's Comments
  const pr_comments_url = {
    scheme: "https",
    host: "",
    path: `/repos/${repository.owner.login}/${}/issues/${pr.number.$numberInt}/comments`,
  // Specify GitHub API Basic Authentication Fields and Headers
  const github_basic_auth = {
    username: context.values.get("github-credentials").username,
    password: context.values.get("github-credentials").password,
  const headers = {
    // OPTIONAL: Include this header if your security settings require a 2fa code
    "X-GitHub-OTP": ["<2fa Code>"]
  // Specify the comment text
  const body = EJSON.stringify({
    body: `Thank you for submitting a pull request, ${pr.user.login}!`

  try {
    // Get an HTTP service client. The service rules should allow you
    // to send POST requests to ``.
    const http ="<HTTP Service Name>");

    // Send the Request to GitHub
    const request = { ...github_basic_auth, ...pr_comments_url, headers, body };
    const result = await;

    // Check for a Successful Result
    if (result.statusCode == 201) {
      return "Successfully commented on the pull request!";
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Received a bad result status from GitHub: ${result.body.text()}`);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error("Something went wrong while posting the comment.", err);