


The MongoDB Stitch SDK is deprecated. For guidance on migrating to MongoDB Realm, please see Migrate Your App from Stitch to Realm.


MongoDB Stitch triggers enable you to execute application and database logic automatically, either in response to events or based on a pre-defined schedule. Stitch supports three types of triggers:

  • Database triggers, which can automatically respond when documents are added, updated, or removed in a linked MongoDB collection.
  • Authentication triggers, which execute additional server-side logic when a user is created, authenticated, or deleted.
  • Scheduled triggers, which execute functions at regular intervals according to a pre-defined schedule.

Triggers listen for application events of a configured type and are each linked with a specific Stitch function. Whenever a trigger observes an event that matches your configuration, it “fires” and passes the event object that caused it to fire as the argument to its linked function. You can configure the events that cause a trigger to fire based on their operation type as well as other values specific to each type of trigger.


Stitch limits the execution of trigger functions to a rate of 1000 executions per second across all triggers in an application. If additional triggers fire beyond this threshold, Stitch adds their associated functions to a queue and executes the functions once capacity becomes available.

Database Triggers with event ordering enabled are an exception to this rule. Each ordered trigger processes events in order, waiting for the previous event execution to complete before handling the next event. Therefore, only one execution of a particular ordered trigger executes at any given time.


Database Trigger

An online store wants to notify its customers whenever one of their orders changes location. They record each order in the store.orders collection as a document that resembles the following:

  _id: ObjectId("59cf1860a95168b8f685e378"),
  customerId: ObjectId("59cf17e1a95168b8f685e377"),
  orderDate: ISODate("2018-06-26T16:20:42.313Z"),
  shipDate: ISODate("2018-06-27T08:20:23.311Z"),
  orderContents: [
    { qty: 1, name: "Earl Grey Tea Bags - 100ct", price: NumberDecimal("10.99") }
  shippingLocation: [
    { location: "Memphis", time: ISODate("2018-06-27T18:22:33.243Z") },

To automate this process, the store creates a database trigger that listens for UPDATE change events in the store.orders collection. When the trigger observes an UPDATE event, it passes the change event object to its associated function, textShippingUpdate. The function checks the change event for any changes to the shippingLocation field and, if it was updated, sends a text message to the customer with the new location of the order.

Trigger Configuration
  "type": "DATABASE",
  "name": "shippingLocationUpdater",
  "function_name": "textShippingUpdate",
  "config": {
    "service_name": "mongodb-atlas",
    "database": "store",
    "collection": "orders",
    "operation_types": ["UPDATE"],
    "unordered": false,
    "full_document": true,
    "match": {}
  "disabled": false
exports = async function (changeEvent) {
  // Destructure out fields from the change stream event object
  const { updateDescription, fullDocument } = changeEvent;

  // Check if the shippingLocation field was updated
  const updatedFields = Object.keys(updateDescription.updatedFields);
  const isNewLocation = updatedFields.some(field =>

  // If the location changed, text the customer the updated location.
  if (isNewLocation) {
    const { customerId, shippingLocation } = fullDocument;
    const twilio ="myTwilioService");
    const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
    const customers = mongodb.db("store").collection("customers");

    const { location } = shippingLocation.pop();
    const customer = await customers.findOne({ _id: customer_id })
      to: customer.phoneNumber,
      from: context.values.get("ourPhoneNumber"),
      body: `Your order has moved! The new location is ${location}.`

Authentication Trigger

An online store wants to store custom metadata for each of its customers in MongoDB. Each customer should have a document in the store.customers collection where metadata about them can be recorded and queried.

To guarantee that each customer is represented in the collection, the store creates an authentication trigger that listens for newly created users in the email/password authentication provider. When the trigger observes a CREATE event, it passes the authentication event object to its linked function, createNewUserDocument. The function creates a new document describing the user and their activity and inserts it into the store.customers collection.

Trigger Configuration
  "name": "newUserHandler",
  "function_name": "createNewUserDocument",
  "config": {
    "providers": ["local-userpass"],
    "operation_type": "CREATE"
  "disabled": false
exports = async function(authEvent) {
  const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
  const customers = mongodb.db("store").collection("customers");

  const { user, time } = authEvent;
  const newUser = { ...user, eventLog: [ { "created": time } ] };
  await customers.insertOne(newUser);

Scheduled Trigger

An online store wants to generate a daily report of all sales from the previous day. They record all orders in the store.orders collection as documents that resemble the following:

  _id: ObjectId("59cf1860a95168b8f685e378"),
  customerId: ObjectId("59cf17e1a95168b8f685e377"),
  orderDate: ISODate("2018-06-26T16:20:42.313Z"),
  shipDate: ISODate("2018-06-27T08:20:23.311Z"),
  orderContents: [
    { qty: 1, name: "Earl Grey Tea Bags - 100ct", price: Decimal128("10.99") }
  shippingLocation: [
    { location: "Memphis", time: ISODate("2018-06-27T18:22:33.243Z") },

To generate the daily report, the store creates a scheduled trigger that is scheduled to fire every morning at 7:00 AM UTC-0400. When the trigger fires, it calls its linked function, generateDailyReport, which runs an aggregation query on the store.orders collection to generate the report. The function then stores the result of the aggregation in the store.reports collection.

Trigger Configuration
  "type": "SCHEDULED",
  "name": "reportDailyOrders",
  "function_name": "generateDailyReport",
  "config": {
    "schedule": "0 7 * * *"
  "disabled": false
exports = function() {
  // Instantiate MongoDB collection handles
  const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
  const orders = mongodb.db("store").collection("orders");
  const reports = mongodb.db("store").collection("reports");

  // Generate the daily report
  return orders.aggregate([
    // Only report on orders placed since yesterday morning
    { $match: {
        orderDate: {
          $gte: makeYesterdayMorningDate(),
          $lt: makeThisMorningDate()
    } },
    // Add a boolean field that indicates if the order has already shipped
    { $addFields: {
        orderHasShipped: {
          $cond: {
            if: "$shipDate", // if shipDate field exists
            then: 1,
            else: 0
    } },
    // Unwind individual items within each order
    { $unwind: {
        path: "$orderContents"
    } },
    // Calculate summary metrics for yesterday's orders
    { $group: {
        _id: "$orderDate",
        orderIds: { $addToSet: "$_id" },
        numSKUsOrdered: { $sum: 1 },
        numItemsOrdered: { $sum: "$orderContents.qty" },
        totalSales: { $sum: "$orderContents.price" },
        averageOrderSales: { $avg: "$orderContents.price" },
        numItemsShipped: { $sum: "$orderHasShipped" },
    } },
    // Add the total number of orders placed
    { $addFields: {
        numOrders: { $size: "$orderIds" }
    } }
    .then(dailyReport => {
    .catch(err => console.error("Failed to generate report:", err));

function makeThisMorningDate() {
  return setTimeToMorning(new Date());

function makeYesterdayMorningDate() {
  const thisMorning = makeThisMorningDate();
  const yesterdayMorning = new Date(thisMorning);
  yesterdayMorning.setDate(thisMorning.getDate() - 1);
  return yesterdayMorning;

function setTimeToMorning(date) {
  return date;