
Run Aggregation Pipelines


The MongoDB Stitch SDK is deprecated. For guidance on migrating to MongoDB Realm, please see Migrate Your App from Stitch to Realm.


The code snippets on this page demonstrate how configure and run aggregation pipelines against a collection. Aggregation operations run all documents in a collection through a series of data aggregation stages that allow you to filter and shape documents as well as collect summary data about groups of related documents.

Supported Aggregation Stages

Stitch supports nearly all MongoDB aggregation pipeline stages and operators, but some stages must be executed within a system function. See Aggregation Framework Limitations for more information.

Data Model

The examples on this page use a collection named store.purchases that contains information about historical item sales in an online store. Each document contains a list of the purchased items, including the item name and the purchased quantity, as well as a unique ID value for the customer that purchased the items.

// store.purchases
    _id:      <ObjectID>,
    customerId: <ObjectID>,
    items: [ { name: <string>, quantity: <int> } ]

Snippet Setup

To use a code snippet in a function, you must first instantiate a MongoDB collection handle:

exports = function() {
  const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
  const itemsCollection = mongodb.db("store").collection("items");
  const purchasesCollection = mongodb.db("store").collection("purchases");

To use a code snippet in a JavaScript project, you must first do the following:


Import Stitch Dependencies

Import from CDN
<!-- Import the Stitch JS SDK at the top of the file -->
<script src=""></script>
  // Destructure Stitch JS SDK Components
  const { Stitch, RemoteMongoClient, BSON } = stitch;

– or –

Import from Module
// Import components of the Stitch JS SDK at the top of the file
import {
} from "mongodb-stitch-browser-sdk";

Instantiate a MongoDB Remote Collection Handle

const stitchApp = Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient("<Your App ID>");
const mongodb = stitchApp.getServiceClient(RemoteMongoClient.factory, "mongodb-atlas");
const itemsCollection = mongodb.db("store").collection("items");
const purchasesCollection = mongodb.db("store").collection("purchases");

To use a code snippet in an Android project, you must first do the following:


Set Up Your Project

Follow the steps in the Set up a MongoDB Mobile Project guide.


For more details on setting up your Android app to use Stitch, refer to Build a Mobile App with Sync or Build a Local-Only Mobile App.


Import Stitch Dependencies

For CRUD operations on a remote MongoDB collection, you will use one or more of the following import statements:

// Base Stitch Packages
// Stitch Authentication Packages
import com.mongodb.stitch.core.auth.providers.anonymous.AnonymousCredential;
// MongoDB Service Packages
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
// Utility Packages
import com.mongodb.stitch.core.internal.common.BsonUtils;

To Sync documents between a remote and a local MongoDB instance, you will also need to import the following packages:

// Stitch Sync Packages


If you use Sync, be sure to add .sync() before every remote database call in the examples below, as in the following:


To perform CRUD operations only on the local (on-device) database, import the following packages:

// MongoDB Mobile Local Database Packages

Instantiate a MongoDB Collection Handle

Top of Activity File
private StitchAppClient stitchClient;
private RemoteMongoClient mongoClient;
private RemoteMongoCollection itemsCollection;
In Activity.onCreate()
stitchClient = Stitch.getDefaultAppClient();
mongoClient = stitchClient.getServiceClient(RemoteMongoClient.factory, "mongodb-atlas");
itemsCollection = mongoClient.getDatabase("store").getCollection("items");
purchasesCollection = mongoClient.getDatabase("store").getCollection("purchases");

To use a code snippet in an iOS project, you must first do the following:


Set Up Your Project

Follow the steps in the Set up a MongoDB Mobile Project guide.


Import Stitch Dependencies

In scope (e.g. UIViewController)
import StitchCore
import StitchCoreRemoteMongoDBService
import StitchRemoteMongoDBService

Initialize the MongoDB Stitch iOS SDK

Application Startup (e.g. AppDelegate.didFinishLaunchingWithOptions())
do {
    let _ = try Stitch.initializeDefaultAppClient(
        withClientAppID: "YOUR-APP-ID"
} catch {
    print("Failed to initialize MongoDB Stitch iOS SDK: \(error)")

Instantiate a MongoDB Collection Handle

In scope (e.g. UIViewController)
// Variables in scope:
private lazy var stitchClient = Stitch.defaultAppClient!
private var mongoClient: RemoteMongoClient?
private var itemsCollection: RemoteMongoCollection<Document>?

// Set the stitch variables declared above in viewDidLoad()
mongoClient = stitchClient.serviceClient(
    fromFactory: remoteMongoClientFactory,
    withName: "mongodb-atlas"
itemsCollection = mongoClient?.db("store").collection("items")
purchasesCollection = mongoClient?.db("store").collection("purchases")


Aggregate Documents in a Collection

You can execute an aggregation pipeline using the collection.aggregate() action.

The following snippet groups all documents in the purchases collection by their customerId value and aggregates a count of the number of items each customer purchases as well as the total number of purchases that they made. After grouping the documents the pipeline adds a new field that calculates the average number of items each customer purchases at a time, averageNumItemsPurchased, to each customer’s document:

const pipeline = [
  { "$group": {
      "_id": "$customerId",
      "numPurchases": { "$sum": 1 },
      "numItemsPurchased": { "$sum": { "$size": "$items" } }
  } },
  { "$addFields": {
      "averageNumItemsPurchased": {
        "$divide": ["$numItemsPurchased", "$numPurchases"]
  } }

return purchasesCollection.aggregate(pipeline).toArray()
  .then(customers => {
    console.log(`Successfully grouped purchases for ${customers.length} customers.`)
    for(const customer of customers) {
      console.log(`customer: ${_id}`)
      console.log(`num purchases: ${customer.numPurchases}`)
      console.log(`total items purchased: ${customer.numItemsPurchased}`)
      console.log(`average items per purchase: ${customer.averageNumItemsPurchased}`)
    return customers
  .catch(err => console.error(`Failed to group purchases by customer: ${err}`))
const pipeline = [
  { "$group": {
      "_id": "$customerId",
      "numPurchases": { "$sum": 1 },
      "numItemsPurchased": { "$sum": { "$size": "$items" } }
  } },
  { "$addFields": {
      "averageNumItemsPurchased": {
        "$divide": ["$numItemsPurchased", "$numPurchases"]
  } }

  .then(categories => {
    console.log(`Successfully grouped purchases for ${categories.length} customers.`)
    for(const category of categories) {
      console.log(`category: ${category._id}`)
      console.log(`num purchases: ${category.numPurchases}`)
      console.log(`total items purchased: ${category.numItemsPurchased}`)
      console.log(`average items per purchase: ${category.averageNumItemsPurchased}`)
    return categories
  .catch(err => console.error(`Failed to group purchases by customer: ${err}`))
List<Document> aggregationPipeLine = List.of(
    new Document(
        "$group", new Document()
            .append("_id", "$customerId")
            .append("numPurchases", new Document(
                "$sum", 1
            .append("numItemsPurchased", new Document(
                "$sum", new Document("$size", "$items")
    new Document(
        "$addFields", new Document(
            "averageNumItemsPurchased", new Document(
                "$divide", List.of("$totalQuantity", "$count")

purchasesCollection.aggregate(aggregationPipeLine).forEach(item -> {
    Log.d("app", String.format("aggregation result:  %s", item.toString()));

// Another way to iterate through
Task<List<Document>> itemsTask = purchasesCollection
    .into(new ArrayList<Document>());
itemsTask.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener <List<Document>> () {
    public void onComplete(@NonNull Task <List<Document>> task) {
        if (task.isSuccessful()) {
            List<Document> items = task.getResult();
            Log.d("app", String.format("%d aggregation results", items.size()));
            for (Document item: items) {
                Log.d("app", String.format("aggregation result:  %s", item.toString()));
        } else {
            Log.e("app", "failed to perform aggregation with: ", task.getException());
let pipeline : [Document] = [
    [ "$group": [
        "_id": "$customerId",
        "numPurchases": ["$sum": 1] as Document,
        "numItemsPurchased": ["$sum": ["$size": "$items"] as Document] as Document,
    ] as Document] as Document,
    [ "$addFields": [
        "averageNumItemsPurchased": [
            "$divide": ["$totalQuantity", "$count"] as Document
        ] as Document
    ] as Document ] as Document

purchasesCollection?.aggregate(pipeline).toArray({ result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let customers):
        print("Successfully grouped purchases for \(customers.count) customers:");
        customers.forEach({ customer in
            print("customer id: \(customer._id)");
            print("num purchases: \(customer.numPurchases)");
            print("total items purchased: \(customer.numItemsPurchased)");
            print("average items purchased: \(customer.averageNumItemsPurchased)");
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Failed to group purchases by customer: \(err)");

Aggregation Stages

Filter Documents

You can use the $match stage to filter incoming documents according to a standard query filter.

  "$match": {
    "<Field Name>": <Query Expression>,


The following $match stage filters incoming documents to include only those where the graduation_year field has a value between 2019 and 2024, inclusive.

  "$match": {
    "graduation_year": {
      "$gte": 2019,
      "$lte": 2024

Group Documents

You can use the $group stage to aggregate summary data for groups of one or more documents. MongoDB groups documents based on the _id expression.


You can reference a specific document field by prefixing the field name with a $.

  "$group": {
    "_id": <Group By Expression>,
    "<Field Name>": <Aggregation Expression>,


The following $group stage groups documents by the value of their customerId field and calculates the number of purchase documents that each customerId appears in.

  "$group": {
    "_id": "$customerId",
    "numPurchases": { "$sum": 1 }

Project Document Fields

You can use the $project stage to include or omit specific fields from documents or to calculate new fields using aggregation operators. To include a field, set its value to 1. To omit a field, set its value to 0.


You cannot simultaneously omit and include fields other than _id. If you explicitly include a field other than _id, any fields you did not explicitly include are automatically omitted (and vice-versa).

  "$project": {
    "<Field Name>": <0 | 1 | Expression>,


The following $project stage omits the _id field, includes the customerId field, and creates a new field named numItems where the value is the number of documents in the items array:

  "$project": {
    "_id": 0,
    "customerId": 1,
    "numItems": { "$sum": { "$size": "$items" } }

Add Fields to Documents

You can use the $addFields stage to add new fields with calculated values using aggregation operators.


$addFields is similar to $project but does not allow you to include or omit fields.


The following $addFields stages creates a new field named numItems where the value is the number of documents in the items array:

  "$addFields": {
    "numItems": { "$sum": { "$size": "$items" } }

Unwind Array Values

You can use the $unwind stage to aggregate individual elements of array fields. When you unwind an array field, MongoDB copies each document once for each element of the array field but replaces the array value with the array element in each copy.

  $unwind: {
    path: <Array Field Path>,
    includeArrayIndex: <string>,
    preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: <boolean>


The following $unwind stage creates a new document for each element of the items array in each document. It also adds a field called itemIndex to each new document that specifies the element’s position index in the original array:

  "$unwind": {
    "path": "$items",
    "includeArrayIndex": "itemIndex"

Consider the following document from the purchases collection:

  _id: 123,
  customerId: 24601,
  items: [
    { name: "Baseball", quantity: 5 },
    { name: "Baseball Mitt", quantity: 1 },
    { name: "Baseball Bat", quantity: 1 },

If we apply the example $unwind stage to this document, the stage outputs the following three documents:

  _id: 123,
  customerId: 24601,
  itemIndex: 0,
  items: { name: "Baseball", quantity: 5 }
}, {
  _id: 123,
  customerId: 24601,
  itemIndex: 1,
  items: { name: "Baseball Mitt", quantity: 1 }
}, {
  _id: 123,
  customerId: 24601,
  itemIndex: 2,
  items: { name: "Baseball Bat", quantity: 1 }